Saturday, September 16, 2006

I know you've been waiting with baited breath!

"Musings From the Chariot" has finally been updated, for those of you who are interested.

What does baited breath smell like anyway?


Ayatollah Mugsy said...

Minnows, I imagine.

Tony Arnold said...

I hate to correc the college English instructor, but that would be bated breath.

Bate: to abate, lessen, lower, etc. To deprive. "with bated breath": with the breath held in because of fear.


JMG said...

Thank you for letting me know. I have never read the phrase anywhere--only heard it in conversation.

But you know, baited would work, too, now that I think about it. Imagine a cat having breath that smells like cheese so that he can catch a mouse. That's probably why I thought it was "baited."

JMG said...

Don't lie, Tony. You know it did your heart good to correct the perfesser.

By the way, how is your class going?

Tony Arnold said...

I always think of tuna salad breath when I hear the phrase. And I loathe tuna salad--it is the mayonaisse thing.

Class is going very well although I would like to be much further ahead in my preparation for the whole semester. I manage to stay about one lecture ahead and the gap is quickly closing.


Tony Arnold said...

ps: I would take some pleasure in correc[t]ing you but since I can't type correc[t] correc[t]ly, I have no room to gloat.

Or spell mayonaisse [mayonnaise] correc[t]ly for that matter.


JMG said...

Hey, sometimes I prepare for class in the hour before class starts.

Mmmm. Tuna salad. I think I'll head over to the Subway.